Saturday, December 19, 2009

No reason

Once again, due to Gmail being insanely stupid, I have had to create a new blog to fit my new account. Expect more from here in the future, but for now I leave with an answer to a question, and another question. Answer: BYU and Utah have had an undefeated season, and TCU will probably have one at the end of the bowl season. Question: Why are women so INSANE?!?!?!


  1. I believe that it's not the women that are insane, personally. Guys and girls have differant thought patterns and differant ways at looking at things, and thus to one thought pattern the other one seems insane. But if you really want to choose one and say it's insane, it's probably the guys. :P

  2. Not all women are insane, thanks. Women are merely not understandable to most men.

  3. That is true Kat. However, I think it's all men, and not just most.

  4. I can understand them.


  5. I'm sorry Jarom, but I really doubt that.
